Home-Grown Movements
Mission Frontiers
Home-Grown Movements
JAN/FEB 2021
Issue 43.1
04 Editorial: Movements Can Happen Here Too, If We Are Willing to Work for Them by Rick Wood
08 Can Kingdom Movement Strategies Work in North America? by Curtis Sergeant, Doug Lucas and David Garrison
12 Kingdom Movement Strategies in a Small/Medium-Sized Church Led by the Pastor Doug Lucas with Tim Ahlen and Bryan King
16 Kingdom Movement Strategies in North American Megachurches by Doug Lucas with Chris Galanos and Bryan King
20 Kingdom Movement Strategies in North American Jails and Prisons by Doug Lucas with Chris Galanos, “Jed” and other anonymous workers
23 DMM Strategies in Non-Traditional Contexts by Doug Lucas with Mark Aspinwall, Bryan King, Zach Medlock, Jeff Timblin, and Lee Wood
26 North American Kingdom Movement Strategies Apart From a Local Church by Doug Lucas with Nathan Venton
30 Toward the Edges by Kevin Higgins
31 Bringing the Gospel to an Entire Country in Two Weeks by Derek Seipp
33 24:14 Coalition Update by Chuck Baker
37 Becoming the Kind of Person God Can Use to Launch Movements—Part 1 by C. Anderson
41 Addressing a Blind Spot in Missions by Rick Leatherwood
44 Why Rapid Growth Declines as Movements Grow in Size by Justin Long
48 Tribute to Lee Purgason by Greg Parsons
51 Global Prayer Digest