Intro Lecture: Exegesis and Hermeneutics applied to Isaiah 49:6

While not labeled, this is likely a World Christian Foundation Introductory lecture.
Exegesis is understanding the original meaning. Hermeneutics “handing off the meaning to the present generation.” This kind of study helps the student arrive understanding through their own work, which yields rich long-term benefits in our lives.
One of the four “servant songs” in Isaiah.
He mentioned Hebrew parallelism and how it impacts meaning.
Winter shares an illustration from when he served in Guatemala, with someone from Israel, who (when he found out he was a Presbyterian missionary) asked him if Jews should send out missionaries…listen for Winter’s answer (related to this passage).
He also comments on an error of the Reformation in applying this passage.
Learn to about what Winter calls “the Judson Falicy” …the gospel includes all that we know about God the creator as part of the good news. The goodness of the news, is in part, the greatness of God.

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