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Intro Lecture: Exegesis and Hermeneutics applied to Isaiah 49:6
While not labeled, this is likely a World Christian Foundation Introductory lecture. Exegesis is understanding the original meaning. Hermeneutics “handing off the meaning to the present generation.” This kind of study…
Ralph WinterVideo,1996,Mission History,Bible,Theology
Jesus – Messiah for All Peoples
Winter shares on "Jesus – Messiah for All Peoples" in the Vision for the Nations curiculum.
Ralph WinterVideo,1995,US Center for World Mission,Interpreting the Bible,Bible,Theology
World Christian Foundations Module 2 • Lesson 1 & 2
Winter introduces the first two lessons in Module 2 of the World Christian Foundations program. The pattern was: 1) Introduction (some reading), 2) Lecture (reading), 3) Review. This was May 1993.
Ralph WinterVideo,1993,Mission History,Strategy,History,Education,Bible,Theology
Expansion of Christianity – 1st “Perspectives” extension 1980
The Institute of International Studies (later known as Perspectives class) was first taught by extension at Penn State in May of 1980.
Ralph WinterVideo,1980,Mission History,Church Growth,Colonialism,Culture,Development,History,Statistics
Expansion of Christianity
A lecture on the historical spread of the Gospel from the Bible and church history.
Ralph WinterVideo,1982,People Groups,Mission History,Church Growth,History
Ralph D. Winter Lifetime of Service Award
RDW tribute piece produced by Paul Luebbers in 2008. This annual award was given to Winter in September 2008, just a year before Winter died. The Mission Exchange, under the leadership of Steve Moore, gave the award.…
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