24:14–A Call To Foster Movements In All Peoples
Nov 11, 2024By Desmond Haskell1 Minutes
Mission Frontiers
24:14–A Call To Foster Movements In All Peoples
JUL/AUG 2019
Issue 41.4
04 From the Editor by Rick Wood
08 Dr. Steve Smith’s Extraordinary Vision and Legacy
14 24:14—The War That Finally Ends by Steve Smith & Stan Parks
18 In Memory of Dr. Steve Smith
19 Honoring Our Friend and Brother, Steve Smith by Stan Parks
22 Completing the Task by Jerry Trousdale & Curtis Sergeant
24 Daring to Succeed by L. D. Waterman
28 Year of the Frontier – www.Go31.org/yof
33 Micro-Compassion as a Lifestyle by Jean Johnson
36 24:14 Coalition Update—What is a CPM? by Stan Parks
40 The Marriage of Excellent Strategy and the Supernatural by C. Anderson
43 The Beginning of Another 40 Years by Kevin Higgins
50 Finishing The Task by Greg Parsons