Inside North Korea: Bringing Hope and Healing to the Toughest Places
Mission Frontiers
Inside North Korea: Bringing Hope and Healing to the Toughest Places
Issue 40.3
04 From the Editor by Rick Wood
08 A Living Witness: Finding Pathways to Hope and Healing in North Korea by Heidi S. Linton
16 The Case for Engaging North Korea by Joseph Yi, Byeonggeun Heo, and Junbeom Bahk
20 Living the Presence by Norma H. Nichols
23 In Otto’s Memory: Developing Peaceful Tourism by Paul and Joseph Yi
25 Hope for Autism In the DPRK by Stephen and Joy Yoon
31 Why We Should Still Give Engagement a Chance by Andrew I. Yeo
35 24:14 Coalition Update by Josh Smith, Stan Parks, and Steve Smith with Kevin Greeson
38 The Apostle Paul Didn’t Get the Memo by Jean Johnson
40 Kingdom Kernels by Steve Smith
44 Tribute to Jim Downing by Robby Butler
50 Further Reflections by Greg Parsons