Movements: Learning to Cross the “Bridges of God”
Nov 11, 2024By Desmond Haskell1 Minutes
Mission Frontiers
Movements: Learning to Cross the “Bridges of God”
MAR/APR 2018
Issue 40.2
04 From the Editor by Rick Wood
06 Indigenous Movements: How Peoples are Reached by Robby Butler
16 Planting Churches: Learning the Hard Way by T & B Lewis
20 The Person of Peace: God’s Cultural Bridge to Movements by Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine
25 God’s Gift of Surprising Proximate Strategies by Younoussa Djao, Harry Brown, Jerry Trousdale
28 Why Not Simple? by L.D. Waterman
32 Glimpses Through the Fog by Robby Butler
36 A Leadership Strategy for DMM by David Parish
41 Living Out Micah 6:8 by Jean Johnson
43 Kingdom Kernels by Steve Smith
49 Campus Sale Update
50 Further Reflections by Greg Parsons