Is the World Still a Waffle?
Mission Frontiers
Is the World Still a Waffle?
Issue 43.5
04 Editorial: Is the World Still a Waffle? by Dan Scribner
08 People Group Lists and the Challenge of Growing Complexity by Dan Scribner
12 Seeing the Unreached World As It Really Is by Paul Hattaway
15 How People Group Information Impacted a Mission Agency by Tim Freeman
17 People Group Information in an African Context by George Gumah
20 More Lists, More Data, More Possibilities by Rodrigo Tinoco
23 Fresh Vision for the Great Commission by Danny Weiss
26 People Groups and the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association by Adeoluwa Olanrewaju
28 Why South Asia People Group Data Looks So Different by Bill Morrison and South Asia Researcher
30 Urbanization and Measuring the Remaining Task by Justin Long
32 Response to Urbanization and Measuring the Remaining Task by Dave Earl Datema
34 Are Current People Group Presentations Engaging the Next Generation? An Interview with Andrew Feng
36 A Small Shift with Potential Significant Impact by Dan Scribner
39 Toward the Edges by Kevin Higgins
40 24:14 Coalition Update by Stan Parks
44 Multiply Rapidly and Still Make Healthy Disciples? by C. Anderson
49 What If… by Greg Parsons
52 Unreached of the Day