Tokyo 2010 Why It Still Matters
Mission Frontiers
Tokyo 2010 Why It Still Matters
Issue 42.3
04 Editorial: A Church Prepared for the Worst by Rick Wood
08 Editorial: A Church Prepared for the Worst by Rick Wood
12 Review of Tokyo 2010: A Global Mission Consultation & Celebration by David M. Hupp
16 Revisiting the Tokyo Declaration by Marvin Newell
19 The State of the Unfinished Task by Dr. Paul Eshleman
22 Business for Movements by Mary Ho & Vicky Warren
25 Financing Missions by Rev. Dr. Sas Conradie
28 Beyond Tokyo: an African Perspective by Dr. Ferdinand Nweke
31 Unreached Peoples Intercession Task Force by Elizabeth Adleta
34 “Beyond Christianity” 10 Years Later by Kevin Higgins
36 Next Steps after Tokyo: GGCN Asia by Rev. Paul Radha Krishnan
38 Toward the Edges by Kevin Higgins
40 24:14 Coalition Update by Justin D. Long
45 Great Doors of Opportunity by Greg Parsons
46 There’s No Perfect Movement Recipe by C. Anderson