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Ralph and Roberta Winter at Jericho March

Ralph and Roberta Winter lead a Jericho March around their neighborhood as an expression of prayer and belief that they would be able to purchase the campus for their frontier mission cause.

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Co-Founders Ralph and Roberta Winter

Ralph and Roberta Winter stand behind the sign at the headquarters of the organization they founded together.

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Roberta and Ralph Winter on WCIU Campus

Roberta and Ralph Winter on the campus of William Carey International University, with Latourette Library behind them.

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Instructor Ralph Winter

Ralph Winter often used charts, graphs and maps to instruct about strategies for reaching the unreached people groups globally.

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Panelist Ralph Winter

Ralph Winter speaking on a panel about frontier mission strategy at an Asian mission conference.

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Recognition Artwork

Artwork portraying Roberta and Ralph Winter surrounded by individuals from various unreached people groups in honor of the Winters' passion for them and leadership in the cause to reach them.

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Ralph Winter in Navy

Ralph Winter was in training for the Navy but World War II ended before he was on active duty; this is his portrait in his Navy uniform.

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Roberta and Ralph Winter #2

Roberta and Ralph Winter standing in front of their family house.

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Roberta and Ralph Winter

Roberta and Ralph Winter while leading the U.S. Center for World Mission.

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