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Hazel and Hugo Winter

Hazel and Hugo Winter, Ralph's mother and father, in the back yard of their family house in South Pasadena.

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George Verwer and Ralph Winter

George Verwer and Ralph Winter together in the Heimbach Meeting Room of Hudson Taylor Hall.

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Don Richardson and Ralph Winter

Don Richardson and Ralph Winter together on the campus of William Carey International University, standing beside Latourette Library.

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The Highest Priority: Cross Cultural Evangelism (Lausanne 1974 presentation audio)

This is the audio recording of Ralph Winter's plenary talk at the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization, in Lausanne Switzerland. We have also posted the printed version and other related documents and…

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The Largest Stumbling Block to Leadership Development in the Global Church

Ralph Winter gave the opening talk at the Association of Christian Continuing Education Schools and Seminaries (or ACCESS), in about 2000 or 2001. It was reprinted in the IJFM (Issue 20:3, Fall 2003). The ACCESS…

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Pre-Congress Responses to Winter’s Pre-Lausanne Paper

The 58 responses you can read here, include fascinating insights into both the Lausanne 1974 Congress and Ralph Winter's processing of these issues. Note that each plenary presenter submitted their paper months before…

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Foundations of the World Christian Movement – 20 Lectures

Ralph Winter gives an overview of the world from creation to the present. This is a wide ranging basic approach to a number of key issues that Believers need to consider. See the first two pages for the Lecture titles.

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The Historical Development of the Christian Movement – Course Description • Fuller’s School of World Mission

One of the favorite courses students at Fuller Seminary's School of World Mission was Ralph Winter's mission history course. He never liked to use the word "history" instead talked about development and/or expansion of…

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Wartime Lifestyle c 1986

In about 1986, Roberta Winter, co-founder of the U.S. Center for World Mission with her husband Ralph, talks about the concept of a Wartime Lifestyle. Both Roberta and Ralph wrote several articles about this subject,…

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