Welcome to the Mission Frontiers Archive—a comprehensive collection of past issues from Frontier Ventures’ bi-monthly magazine. For 45 years, Mission Frontiers has offered thought-provoking articles on key missiological topics from renowned thinkers and practitioners. Browse the archive below to explore decades of insights and perspectives shaping mission work and global engagement.
- Issue 40.1: “Are you in? 24:24 The Coalition to Foster Movements in all Peoples by 2025” (JAN/FEB 2018)
- Issue 40.2: “Movements: Learning to Cross the ‘Bridges of God'” (MAR/APR 2018)
- Issue 40.3: “Inside North Korea: Bringing Hope and Healing to the Toughest Places” (MAY/JUNE 2018)
- Issue 40.4: “Finding ‘Fourth-Soil’ People: A Field Strategy for Movements” (JUL/AUG 2018)
- Issue 40.5: “Wycliffe Bible Translators: Racing to Start a Translation in Every Language That Needs One by 2025” (SEPT/OCT 2018)
- Issue 40.6: “The Frontiers Peoples: Still Waiting to Hear About Jesus” (NOV/DEC 2018)
- Issue 41.1: “Is the End of Extreme Poverty in Sight? What’s Working?” (JAN/FEB 2019)
- Issue 41.2: “Movements Everywhere: Why So Few In the West?” (MAR/APR 2019)
- Issue 41.3: “India: The Greatest Challenge to World Evangelization” (MAY/JUNE 2019)
- Issue 41.4: “24:14–A Call To Foster Movements In All Peoples” (JUL/AUG 2019)
- Issue 41.5: “Making a Killing – The Global Death Industries & Missionary Response” (SEPT/OCT 2019)
- Issue 41.6: “What Happens When Everything is Missions? Clarifying the Missionary Task” (NOV/DEC 2019)
- Issue 42.1: “Catching the Vision for Movements: One Church’s Journey from Megachurch to Multiplying Disciples” (JAN/FEB 2020)
- Issue 42.2: “Movements: God’s Way of Reaching Entire Peoples” (MAR/APR 2020)
- Issue 42.3: “Tokyo 2010 Why It Still Matters” (MAY/JUNE 2020)
- Issue 42.4: “Missions in the age of Coronavirus” (JULY/AUGUST 2020)
- Issue 42.5: “Hunting the Movement Killers” (SEPT/OCT 2020)
- Issue 42.6: “Human Trafficking: The Church Should Stop Supporting It!” (NOV/DEC 2020)
- Issue 43.1: “Home-Grown Movements” (JAN/FEB 2021)
- Issue 43.2: “‘Insider’ Movements” (MAR/APR 2021)
- Issue 43.3: “What have you brought for us?” (MAY/JUNE 2021)
- Issue 43.4: “Innovation In Missions” (JULY/AUGUST 2021)
- Issue 43.5: “Is the World Still a Waffle?” (SEPT/OCT 2021)
- Issue 43.6: “Do You Really Have a Biblical Worldview?” (NOV/DEC 2021)
- Issue 44.1: “The Changing Shape of People Group Strategy” (JAN/FEB 2022)
- Issue 44.2: “The Essential Elements for Catalyzing Movements” (MAR/APR 2022)
- Issue 44.3: “The Father of Church Planting Movements in Our Day” (MAY/JUNE 2022)
- Issue 44.4: “The Proper Care and Nurturing of Our Mission Workers” (JULY/AUG 2022)
- Issue 44.5: “Healers and Preachers: Coming Together to Foster Movements in All Peoples” (SEPT/OCT 2022)
- Issue 44.6: “Effective Strategies and Roles for Reaching Frontier Peoples” (NOV/DEC 2022)
- Issue 45.1: “Cascading Gospel: Movements Starting Movements” (JAN/FEB 2023)
- Issue 45.2: “Women in Mission the quiet majority” (MAR/APR 2023)
- Issue 45.3: “The Gospel Goes Digital” (MAY/JUNE 2023)
- Issue 45.4: “Mobilizing the Church to Reach All Peoples” (JULY/AUG 2023)
- Issue 45.5: “Arts, Worship, and Mission in Today’s Church” (SEPT/OCT 2023)
- Issue 45.6: “Movements Accelerating through Crisis Response” (NOV/DEC 2023)
- Issue 46.1: “On the Move with Nomadic Peoples” (JAN/FEB 2024)
- Issue 46.2: “Seeking Movements among Frontier Peoples” (MAR/APR 2024)
- Issue 46.3-4: “Perspectives Turns 50” (MAY/AUGUST 2024)